carbon block water filter

Why You Need A Filter For Your Water

Water that comes directly from your faucet is probably not the safest water to drink. It contains chemicals, fluoride, chlorine, herbicides, pesticides, and other contaminants. It can also have an odor, or a bad taste to it. It is already difficult for some people to get enough water in a day, bad tasting tap water will not help the situation. Bottled water is fine for on-the-go, but that can be expensive, if you use it at home all the time. A water filter can take contaminants, bacteria, and viruses out of your tap water, and make it healthy to drink.

There are several water filters and filtration systems on the market. It can be confusing and hard to know which type is the Best Water Filter. When comparing your options, you should consider a number of factors. You need to know what the filter will, and will not, remove from the water. Total costs of the filter need to be looked at, including set up costs, energy costs, requirements, and maintenance costs. Some filters are inexpensive initially, but can get expensive, if you need to replace filters frequently. Some systems can be expensive at first, but require very little maintenance.

Water pitchers with filters in them will improve the taste of the water, but will not remove some of the toxins. This is because those filters use charcoal, rather than carbon filters. Some systems use reverse osmosis as the filtering process. Some reverse osmosis reviews indicate that the process of removing toxins, also removes healthy minerals from the water. The process can also waste water due to the number of steps it takes. Water is first filtered through micro and carbon filters. Then it passes through a semi-permeable membrane. After that, it is treated with ultra-violet light. In addition to being expensive, reverse osmosis systems, cannot be used if the power goes out.

A filtration system that uses various media types in the process will absorb the most contaminants, bacteria, and viruses. It will not remove the natural minerals found in the water. The initial cost is affordable, and filters are only changed about once a year. The issue with these systems is finding room on your counter to put them. They do not go under the sink. The filters will gradually lose their effectiveness, but there are gauges in place to alert you to that issue.